Oo 10 shut up
Oo 10 shut up

oo 10 shut up

He storms out and Woo-kyung awkwardly says she’ll stop coming by for a while. Hyun-soo: “I think that this is exactly the kind of situation a leader should set straight.” Arrrgh, I hate it when you two fight! The other boys try to talk him off the ledge and finally Ji-hyuk tells him to stop… which is exactly the fight Hyun-soo’s been angling for. It makes her feel terrible and she tries to smooth things over, but Hyun-soo’s in no mood to be civil, and requests that she stop coming by and breaking even more rules for them. Kyung-jong says there’s no one who thinks of them more, and Hyun-soo snaps back, wondering how someone who cares about them so much could call them out to a fight. Woo-kyung comes to apologize by way of snacks, and everyone but Hyun-soo receives her warmly. But! It’s not HIS fault! I smell trouble a-brewin’… Hyun-soo mumbles under his breath that Ji-hyuk suuuure is acting like a leader. He confiscates their phones, all but Ji-hyuk, who swears he lost his and trudges to his room. Noona chews the boys out for risking it all at such a crucial time, and their manager puts them on lockdown for the foreseeable future. Aw, it’s sad to see this friendship go down, but I’m glad that Seung-hoon found some pride and started to act like a normal person who gets rejected. Seung-hoon finally blows up at her for stupidly waiting for Ji-hyuk, for defending him, wondering why he’s letting himself get so angry when she’s nothing to him now. “He’s the one in your heart, isn’t he?” She looks down and fidgets, but to her credit, she answers yes.

oo 10 shut up

He gets frustrated and asks if she’s just going to sit there and wait for Ji-hyuk. He takes her out for coffee, and suggests she come stay at his noona’s officetel like he asked before. There’s a knock at the door and she runs to it, calling, “Ji-hyuk?” But no, it’s Seung-hoon. Meanwhile Su-ah sits in her emptied rooftop room, huddled with a blanket, and calls Ji-hyuk over and over. But there’s little time to celebrate their victory, because cops come rolling in. The boys win the playground fight to defend Woo-kyung’s honor (it’s literally in a playground, as if the metaphor needed any help). But as friction turns to fracture, they start to wonder one by one: At what cost? 224 FebruJanuShut Up: Flower Boy Band: Episode 10 by girlfridayĭeeper into the rabbit hole they go, as the boys start to clean up their act and do as they’re told, to get their music out in the world.

Oo 10 shut up